4Friends 5Fans
male United States
Rocker(初) 好奇
9 years ago
我一直很想問想要小孩的人, What are you going to tell your children about this world? what are you going to teach them about surviving in this world? and what is the purpose of live?
Rocker(初) 覺得
10 years ago
餐桌上的動物每天被殘殺也沒有人為牠們哀悼, 人類, 你們真他媽的自私
Rocker(初) 覺得
10 years ago
sooner or later, you are going to realize that the world doesn't really make much shit sense
10 years ago
今天department的另一個人遞上辭職信了, 只剩我一個人撐. 這也算是一種磨練. 老實說這是一個很好的機會來測試自己的能力在那裡.
10 years ago 1
" Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are even incapable of forming such opinions." Albert Einstine, 我多麼希望這句話
10 years ago
在國外也在領2.2K, 夠屌了吧!
10 years ago
唉... 還是沒有人會問 "為什麼?"