3Friends 3Fans
female Balikpapan, Indonesia
waah, kurang ey klo ngejelasin cuma 250 char ;p
easyellow is
15 years ago
These are the days that I've been missing, give me the taste, give me the joy of summer wine :-)
easyellow is
15 years ago
Alhamdulilah dan banyak bersyukur untuk hidup yang indah *lagi daleem :-) *
easyellow is
15 years ago 2
kejarlah daku kau ku.....?(a)tangkap (b)lempar
easyellow is
15 years ago 1
ketemu temen lama...deuh, deuh..senengnyaa :-D
easyellow is
15 years ago
Eventough it was crystal clear, why it still hard to get over with? T_T
easyellow is
15 years ago
listen to holladang..i love your smile :-)
easyellow is
15 years ago
succesfully get over with that useless one. Ready to get a new one!
easyellow is
15 years ago
sleepy, very tired...and missing Sunday so much. Butuh libur niiihhh!!!
easyellow is
15 years ago 1
sebal, gara-gara liburan tinggal 2 hari lagi hiks...Senin uda mulai ngantor ey!
easyellow is
15 years ago
Still want to get over it