1Friends 9Fans
male sydney, Australia
iM FrOm the pEarL of tHe oRient...
iF YOU doN't kNow wHere is That PlaCe...
thEn That's YouR hOmeWorK... hehe Peace

~im a living SleePing Bag~
~a QuiEt TyPe of PerSon~
~an annoyiNg one~
~enJoY ReAdIng~
~eNjoY LIsTenInG tO mUsiC~
~Knows hOw
eMo_saDisTa wishes
15 years ago
to write his feeling in a Blog
15 years ago
always hate himself...
eMo_saDisTa will
15 years ago
tRy To mAke hIs Life More iNteresting
eMo_saDisTa is
15 years ago
<SleEpIng> :-&