77Friends 30Fans
male Jember, Indonesia
There's no such a word as impossible in my dictionary, but there is the word excessive ...
6 years ago
welcome back plurk, disini sepi, enak jadi curhatnya
9 years ago 3
masalah keluarga memang pelik, apalagi perjodohan dan hubungannya dengan mantan serta pacar sekarang, duh kudu piye :'-(
9 years ago
suwi ora jamu karo plurk, piye plurk?
Mac says
11 years ago 3
Merindukan keramaian plurk awal awal dulu
Mac says
11 years ago 6
Nyoba ah (bzzz)biru
11 years ago
Bukannya tidak pasti, aku pasti meminangmu, segala sesuatu butuh waktu kan?
11 years ago 6
Why you can't just wait a little bit :'-( i want to give you a surprise :-(it's true you didn't break his heart, but you break mine (tears)
11 years ago 2
Whatever you say, i'll be waiting here for you...
11 years ago
Awkward moment for me is, met your crush with someone else yesterday, and now i'm jealous like crazy, but who am i for her?
11 years ago
your smile, this is the first time seeing the most beautiful smile i've ever seen.Wish i can see your smile when i wake up someday~~~