12Friends 7Fans
female Banjarmasin, Indonesia
I'm a female, if not a girl. Live in Indonesia, the so called a given land with so many sources. Anyway, I'm really is ordinary. With onrdinary look, ordinary lofestyle, etc.
Be my friend, if u will ^^
Female wonders
14 years ago 4
karma bsa jadi minus ga ya?? udah setahun ga dibuka karma gw jd masih 0.... (LOL)
14 years ago
14 years ago 10
ternyata plurk lucu.... semakin keranjingan (sindroma awal daftar, hehe)
Female wonders
14 years ago 30
what's the difference between 'friends' and 'fans'.... :-o
14 years ago
hahaha, benar seperti anak TK, kuliah cuma 2 jam doank... syukurlah.... :-D
Female wonders
14 years ago 8
can anyone suggest somme friend for me???? :-o
Female wonders
14 years ago 3
how this site works......
Female wonders
14 years ago
how to use this site.... :'-(