12Friends 12Fans
male Tulsa, OK, United States
dusenyao says
14 years ago
Heartbreaking RT geekonomics: Voted for this sad story :-( bit.ly/9DtdRd
dusenyao says
15 years ago
Just installed iPhone 3.1.3 which doesn't seem that aggressive than what was promised by Steve Jobs.
15 years ago
RT zefrank: beautiful (and sometimes creepy) animated short :: bit.ly/6Iexlh :: "alma" Eerie!
15 years ago
Google Street View on iPhone is pretty awesome. When my friend gave me an address today, I just pulled up my phone and showed him around it.
15 years ago
A few brains behind the new google map in Singapore. ping.fm/qt3Lv
15 years ago
Streetview is finally coming to the tiny nation of Singapore, ahead of Pope's vantican city. Seems a more attractive city. ;p
15 years ago
Google Singapore is unveiling something this Wednesday in Singapore Art Museum, Anyone knows what it is?
15 years ago
Looking out from Google Office in Singapore ping.fm/7As47
15 years ago
Facebook for iPhone 3.0 is live on AppStore. Need to delete the old version and install again to get it. Love the new one a lot more.
15 years ago
RT Scobleizer: Cool use of Microsoft Surface table at Gnomedex - via http://ff.im/7b8GD