Common Name
12Friends 8Fans
male Philippines
Common Name has
16 years ago
Common Name has
16 years ago 3
Common Name has
16 years ago
plurk for the sake of plurking at 2:30 am
Common Name asks
16 years ago
google or yahoo user?
Common Name wonders
16 years ago
if he should but ps3 psp or the ulol O.o
Common Name says
16 years ago
that there is a difference between wishing and wanting for something.
Common Name iniisip
16 years ago 1
na marami nagregalo sakin ng time related things...may ibigsabihin ba ito?
Common Name asks
16 years ago 1
if money is really the root of all evil?
Common Name thinks
16 years ago 2
what's nice about new year is that it proves that you can restart (dance)
Common Name thinks
16 years ago 1
not all misunderstand you, some just has a different perspective of you. It's not really wrong...