1Friends 2Fans
male Oklahoma City, OK, United States
drchrisobanye says
12 years ago
Whatever your life challenge is today, do not give up. All the power to win is on your side. Rise up and grab the bull by the horn.
drchrisobanye says
12 years ago
Challenges of life sometimes can be so cruel that the body prays for a separation from the spirit. But, we are tougher than our challenges.
drchrisobanye says
12 years ago
When one group or individual is oppressed, we all suffer the same. You rise only when you let go of the person you are holding down.
drchrisobanye says
12 years ago
May the souls of 146 people who lost their lives in plane crash this weekend in Nigeria rest in peace. May their loved ones find healing.
drchrisobanye says
12 years ago
Love is encapsulated in caring which lends to tremendous cosmic energy that belongs to all of us. It is a human duty to care and love.
drchrisobanye says
12 years ago
One of the toughest challenges of life is being an honorable human being because decency challenges every core of your human existence.
drchrisobanye says
12 years ago
Decent folks often ask how evil people live with themselves. The truth is evil has no soul and has different set of values for human decency
drchrisobanye says
12 years ago
Because the battle between positive and negative is fierce, staying positive and loving is tough. However, it is the only choice. Love!
drchrisobanye says
12 years ago
HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY to all of you. Remember, Life is a blessing for celebration. Celebrate all life today both living and departed.
drchrisobanye says
12 years ago
A change in attitude is the key to good health, peace of mind and happiness.