119Friends 99Fans
female Cebu, Philippines
Adventurous doopze
Never identify myself with my actions, i'm not what i do. having done bad things doesn't mean i'm a bad person, i'm just someone who has made unwise decision!
bitchy me
✯☜ǝzdoop☞✯ says
12 years ago
tawa lng ng tawa...
✯☜ǝzdoop☞✯ says
12 years ago
just watching praybeyt benjamine.. :-)
✯☜ǝzdoop☞✯ says
12 years ago
i miss you guys!!! how are you all???
✯☜ǝzdoop☞✯ says
12 years ago
since my dad got into the hospital til he died i was not able to visit this site i miss this site so mch it's good to be back again...
✯☜ǝzdoop☞✯ says
12 years ago
from jan to present... now lng nka plurk ulit...
✯☜ǝzdoop☞✯ says
12 years ago
now lng nka visit sa plurk..
✯☜ǝzdoop☞✯ says
12 years ago
:-( :'-(
✯☜ǝzdoop☞✯ says
12 years ago
my dad is in the hospital right now... :-(
✯☜ǝzdoop☞✯ says
12 years ago
just got home from the hospital.... haaay
✯☜ǝzdoop☞✯ says
12 years ago
sad.. sad.. sad...