astagfirullahhh.. mau belajar malesnya sampe ke pluto.
woww that was sooo great. i just known u cheating on me..
berkutat dgn tugas menugas
gaswat, baru inget bsk presentasi. *jantung berhenti tiba2
yes, pagi2 uda mules. gini terus kek..
kalo drumah kebiasaan ini muncul lagi. apa gue ga usah plg krumah? ohhh..
males ngerjain kombis, hellooo ngerangkum! oh no..
how funny she is! she said that her life was so flat just like a flat shoes.. make me so zzzz...
yesss, lancarrr.. ga sia-sia gue yoghurt-an teruss. hehe