23Friends 334Fans
dimasindraputra says
13 years ago
Few hours, can't wait for #GGS04E19. Jangan sampe Blair sama si Javier Zanetti!
dimasindraputra says
13 years ago
Hello plurk! look who's back!
dimasindraputra says
14 years ago 3
hello plurk :-)
dimasindraputra hopes
14 years ago
plurk mobile
dimasindraputra is
15 years ago 1
rarely to plurking. I prefer tweeting :-P
dimasindraputra hates
15 years ago
hard to read Plurk timeline. so messy and confusing..
dimasindraputra hates
15 years ago
have just knew about 'freez' function in Plurk. I lost my karma a lot..
dimasindraputra asks
15 years ago
What is the different between add as friends and as fans? I'm sorry for approving as fans if only I don't know you. does it makes any sense?
dimasindraputra says
15 years ago
Today's Lesson: Jgn pernah makan malam sambil nonton Opera Van Java. barusan gue keselek batuk-batuk sampai hampir muntah. dangerous amusing
dimasindraputra shares
15 years ago
Talking about hoax of UFO in Jakarta's sky yesterday, Do you know 'Crop Circles'? you'll be interested on it. check out bit.ly/2oCXIm