fuck off
43Friends 12Fans
female gen.trias., Philippines
i'm nice yet i'm really bad girl :-)
fuck off says
13 years ago
just back in :-) hello guys :-) i miss plurk
fuck off says
13 years ago
fuck off says
13 years ago
ang baba nanaman lang karma ko asar (doh)
fuck off says
13 years ago
Distance, it is a test of love, many will fail, but for those who can withstand it have the answer: true love.
fuck off says
13 years ago
palevel muna pet forest (music)
fuck off says
13 years ago
good night (sleeping) haist its been so LILY LILY hurts (brokenheart)
fuck off says
13 years ago
out n ako sa plurk galit parin sa akin ei (tears)
fuck off says
13 years ago 1
Goodnight! Goodnight! Parting is such sweet sorrow That I shall say goodnight 'til it be tomorrow. (sleeping)
fuck off says
13 years ago
Here in my heart, that´s where you´ll be; you´ll be with me, here in my heart No distance can keep us apart, long as you´re here in my hear
fuck off says
13 years ago
kakauwi lng sana aus na (doh)