14Friends 10Fans
female Tangerang, Indonesia
why write essays?? just draw it XD XD
devay is
15 years ago
in an inertia state...
devay thinks
15 years ago
it's sad to have goodbye after every hello
devay thinks
15 years ago 1
it has been ages since the last time she plurk-ed ....
devay thinks
15 years ago 1
that now she's experiencing a critical Karma drop!!
devay feels
15 years ago 1
like ages since the last time she plurked something
devay feels
15 years ago
sad that today is the last geog lesson with Mrs Mohammad :-(. It seems that jc geog lessons won't be this interesting anymore
devay feels
15 years ago 1
she slept too much
devay will
15 years ago
stay the same :-D
devay will
15 years ago
enjoy her weekend since she has finished that torturing SS PT!!! XD
devay was
15 years ago 1
having fun just now !!!