I found that when David explained people saying if you are not experiencing sex you are broken and can’t fully understand yourself. When he says it is very isolating, I definitely empathized about this because so many people have an opinion that is very belittling to someone that feels that they do already know themself.
I think the best way to describe the difference of asexuality and celibacy was that one is a choice and possibly having the sexual desire but do not engage for possibly religious reasons(celibate); whereas the other is they simply do not have the desire and it’s not a choice (asexual). This was a good part to add into the film
May have spoken too soon in the last plurk. In the film it is explained some people have a lack of sexual desire for a span of a fews years (asexual phase) and some experience it for longer periods even a lifetime. This was very insightful to learn
One lady in the film expressed that she was asexual at one part of her life and it raised a question for me. I know people discover their sexuality through life, so my question is does a person have to remain asexual or would you just be considered as not being interested in intercourse in that certain part of your life?
I found it interesting when Cynthia explains that sexual desire is on a very big continuum and needs more attention, bc there’s norm that people are expected to strive for. I definitely agreed when she expressed this because in the film alone it shows the lack of education on these matters because people genuinely do not know.
It was kind of surprising to me when they explained not understanding how an asexual person can identify as asexual if they have the desire to pleasure themselves. Wondering if it is moreso because Asexuals have no interest/ desire for sexual activity?
The interview with David where the man says
“why don’t you just try it once that way you know for certain whether you like it or not” I found kind of insensitive to ask because it didn’t seem like a genuine question, more so in a judging manner
Seeing the lady explaining that she was not interested in intercourse but did so because her partner of the time was interested struck my attention as well. I can only imagine that being in that relationship as an asexual person was very hard considering that many people just don’t understand not wanting to have intercourse at all as if it’s abnormal.
I found it interesting to know that most asexual people in the film are saying that they liked certain things such as kissing or someones presence and said it was nice/pleasant, but if they were without it, it would not bother them because they aren’t that invested in the physical touch.
While watching the Asexual film the first thing that stood out to me was when David was in a interview explaining why asexuality needs to be talked about and the lady interrupts and says “if you aren’t having sex what is there to talk about?” To me this represents some people don’t take asexuality serious, almost like it can’t exist.