3Friends 1Fans
del_dudette says
13 years ago
all time low ,simple plan ,evanescence && now adtr .
Hmm ..fml for mising ALL ><
del_dudette says
13 years ago
ppl just like everything on fb really ,even e page "headache" ..seriously youl like having a headache ?!XD
del_dudette says
13 years ago
it's prolly coz I dont add e whole world on my acct =.=
del_dudette says
13 years ago
tt johnny Depp has officially broken up with his long time gf ^^ now he's finally mine :-D
Captain jack sparrow !!ahhhh ><
del_dudette says
13 years ago
sharing a girl with your guy friend is just an excuse for you 2 to be indirect gays ;-)
del_dudette has
13 years ago
not slept for 78 hrs && counting now .. :/
del_dudette needs
13 years ago
ENERGY ENERGY LOTS OF ENERGY !!!!!!!!!!!!!for her sims XD
del_dudette is
13 years ago
going to Indonesia e first things tmrw morning !toodles in advance people ;-)
del_dudette says
13 years ago
&& right before i left e kids ,they hugged me ,gave me a kiss && said "i love you miss delvina"
all e backache is truly worth it ><
del_dudette wonders
13 years ago
Why man.u why ?!6-1 seriously :'-( haish must be another sign tt e world's ending :/