54Friends 69Fans
male Portland, OR, United States
Deepesthealth says
15 years ago
2 weeks left. Now this is what I call the home stretch.
Deepesthealth says
15 years ago
Just finished final final revisions of the thesis. Assuming I get final approval - I'm done with that portion of my career. Yay!
Deepesthealth says
15 years ago
Uh, you think YOU study hard?
Deepesthealth says
15 years ago
Quick tip : for folks who use Twitter + Facebook + etc... Check out the combo of and Eventbox.
Deepesthealth says
15 years ago
Today is a day for the garden. Hurrah!
Deepesthealth says
15 years ago
If your willingness to give blessings is limited, so also is your ability to receive them. (Laozi)
Deepesthealth says
15 years ago
Finishing my weekly review, day devoted to acupuncture study and thesis rewrite.
Deepesthealth says
15 years ago
Someone already took Ericgrey as a Facebook username, so I'm deepesthealth. Works for me!
Deepesthealth says
15 years ago
I missed my second clap-out! Oh well. :-) Thanks everyone! You're awesome
Deepesthealth says
15 years ago
About to bask in the excitement of mandatory OSHA training at NCNM ( Oh yeah! Awesome!