1Friends 105Fans
female San Francisco, CA, United States
.....wait for it..wait for it!...wait for it..ur still rdng ur patient..i like you.. lol..hehe...n wow ure still rdng (Twitter<---just got one and yea not using it as
deeds333 says
13 years ago 1
back to work back to reality
deeds333 says
13 years ago 2
sigh i hate getting sick good thing its labor day weekend
deeds333 says
13 years ago
california weather sigh i still don't understand it and ive lived here all my life
deeds333 says
13 years ago
i wonder when it will be fine to eat eggs again....LOL
deeds333 says
13 years ago
im soo bloated! augh! lol jaja sorry friend
deeds333 says
13 years ago
deeds333 says
13 years ago
deeds333 says
13 years ago
cheerleaders at the quad....sfsu has spirit! lmao
deeds333 says
13 years ago
packing is soo not cool lol can't take everything with me might make two trips jeje
deeds333 says
13 years ago
cant help but to watch naruto :-)