103Friends 68Fans
female Yukon, OK, United States
I am an Instructional Specialist for my district, educational consultant & a proud STAR Discovery Educator. I help teachers find quick easy ways to reach kids so that they can teach content! I love laughing and learning in Plurkville.
dedra wants
12 years ago 9
everyone to say hi... I have been away from Plurk for awhile and need to reconnect
dedra asks
14 years ago
Any plurkers going to NAtional Midle level next week?
dedra asks
14 years ago 1
anyone using
dedra asks
14 years ago 1
words you would put on a wordle for technology inthe classroom
dedra asks
14 years ago 8
Help plurkies... can you show me all the plurks on ning alternatives you like?
dedra asks
15 years ago 2
anyone have alist of IPOD apps for the classroom?
dedra wonders
15 years ago 5
what she missed in Plurkville after a 12 hour day teaching PD !! Long day... two schools and lots of needy teachers! WHew... I am off to BED
dedra asks
15 years ago 5
SMARTBOARD QUESTION: I have akoosh ball template but it wont work.. is there a setting that needs to be changed?
dedra says
15 years ago 3
whew! home from a presentation in Northern OK... Had to be up at 4 AM to get there on time.... so tired.. I am going to crash for awhile
dedra asks
15 years ago
Does anyoen have any PLC resources?