6Friends 8Fans
female Taipei, Taiwan
dayounger1 hopes
15 years ago
someone will post pictures of the reunion on fb.
dayounger1 says
15 years ago
My roomate's cats like to hang out in my room. Is it b/c they like me or just b/c I locked them in here?
dayounger1 says
15 years ago 2
麻煩有農場的朋友好好經營 不然我快沒有農作物可以偷了 感恩!
15 years ago 2
無聊的颱風天 看新聞 騎機車都會被風吹倒 看了就不敢出門 無聊!!
15 years ago
got herself locked outside of her apartment for the third time this year. I'm about to become a regular at the locksmith's.
dayounger1 needs
15 years ago
to take a big step forward in life!
dayounger1 will
15 years ago
be evicted from her apartment soon! 我快無家可歸了!
dayounger1 thinks
15 years ago 1
寵物跟餐廳 真是會讓人感到窮酸的遊戲
dayounger1 says
15 years ago 2
沒有農場好無聊 我只好上網shopping!
dayounger1 hopes
15 years ago
this week is going to pass by in a jiffy