doggy style
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doggy style
10 hours ago @Edit 10 hours ago
shout out to the guy that replurked
doggy style
10 hours ago
doggy style
10 hours ago
user gayflaboured they could never make me hate you
doggy style will
10 hours ago
if my plurk feed becomes problematic at any point i'm just straight up taking a fat break from all of you
doggy style
10 hours ago
i thought we left drama behind on quotev dot com, come on guys
doggy style
10 hours ago
"there is no war in ba sing se"
there is no drama on plurk dot com
doggy style
10 hours ago 5
there is no drama on plurk (i'm delusional)
doggy style
10 hours ago
plurk drama what plurk drama
doggy style
11 hours ago
drawing characters for art fight before realising that i need to go out and buy more lining pens
doggy style
17 hours ago 4
i think i'm gonna art fight this year