Doctors should be required to have personal experience of their specialty. Also, most drug related medical literature is b/s.
Dammit, and I was so happy with the politics in this state. Well, there goes that.
Kinda crazy how people get inspired by the same things at the same time. I feel like there's a whole section of pop culture I'm missing.
Thank you, Portugal! (Never thought I'd say that.)
I don't have any problem with templates, but I prefer it when the re-texture work is better than what comes in the template box directly.
Every time there's a new event (esp. monthlies), you can always see what was the most recently released mesh template.
It's bad enough when boxes have a built in animation that overrides my AO - what is this? 2007? STOP IT!!!
if you put a script in your hair or clothing that forces my avatar into some animation - I'm not going to buy it. In fact, I'm never buying anything from you.
I keep getting an error that I "can't rez at... because owner doesn't allow it" --- but, I'm the owner, and I have build allowed for everyone! (And I have prims left!) Any suggestions?
I LOVE the natural matte lips on the Glam Affair Summer skin.