2Friends 16Fans
male Tucson, AZ, United States
long live the godless heathens!
daxhack says
14 years ago
just saw Twilight and New Moon the only way they should ever be watched...with #RIFFTRAX!
daxhack says
14 years ago
Long nights make for longer days. Seems illogical, and yet, there it is.
daxhack says
14 years ago
Sources report the sheriff and the deputy both suffered fatal gunshot wounds. Initial forensic analysis has led the police to bel
daxhack says
14 years ago
dear makers of topical anesthetics for dentistry - thank you for adding the mint flavor. If I'm going to suck a Q-tip for for 15
daxhack says
14 years ago
OMFG!! X-10.com is having a CRAZY NEVER TO BE REPEATED SALE! WOW!! I am like so totally surprised. No really, I am.
daxhack says
14 years ago
yay rain!!!!!!!
daxhack says
14 years ago
My kid has had his bike for 2 weeks, and has had two flat tires from goatheads.
daxhack says
14 years ago
watching fireworks on the roof with the boys. Awesome!
daxhack says
14 years ago
fixed the van seat for real this time, and secured it so it won't break that way again!!! Feeling accomplished.
daxhack says
14 years ago
"Bridge is like sex- you better have a good partner or a good hand" - Mae West