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female Toronto, ON, Canada
davnet says
14 years ago
Sarah Slean & Damhnait Doyle's - Not for Sale (HD Video)On June 14th,....www.youtube.com/watch?v=...
davnet says
14 years ago
News Rwanda Rises Up! album out June 22nd on Sony Music Artists such as Damhnait Doyle, Steve Bays of Hot Hot...www.songforafrica.com
14 years ago
Rwanda: Rises Up! broadcast June 12th on Citytvong For Africa's second feature documentary is in....www.songforafrica.com/sf...
davnet says
14 years ago
Dav at the Junos this weekend!
davnet says
15 years ago
I truly believe the universe gives you what you need, when you need it.
davnet says
15 years ago
I have been in a bit of a tizzy the last few weeks finishing and polishing up songs before my band ... more at www.dav-net.com
davnet says
15 years ago
In the long days since a massive earthquake devastated the country of Haiti, the onslaught of video ... more at www.davnet.com
15 years ago
There is something about traveling during the holidays that launches a pure panic in me.
15 years ago
This is about my fifth attempt to finish this column, there are so many things I want to write about Rwanda that I've been somewha
15 years ago
There aren't any words to describe the beauty of Rwanda, pictures don't begin to do it justice and songs and stories are a pale ve