4Friends 10Fans
male Reston, VA, United States
16 years ago
Fandango App out for the iPhone. Now, if I could only find some time to actually go to the movies. is.gd/nH0Q
16 years ago
Making double-bean vegetarian enchiladas, modified from: is.gd/nCLr
16 years ago
To the three year-old: "Stop hitting, no hitting." Response: "I'm just bappin' ya." Hmmm... He's tricked me with his fake words.
16 years ago
New Study in science mag on renewable energy: Localized power, fueled by wood should be considered. Wood is 90% efficient is.gd/ndD4
16 years ago
Checking out Mo_de ping.fm/PN9p5 Yeah, they're pretty rockin'. I mean I *guess* the Obama logo is pretty cool. ;-)
16 years ago
Great Daily Kos post: Twitter is just a tool, and because a journalist uses it doesn't make him particularly innovative. is.gd/n4ke
16 years ago
Madoff is going to jail and the Dow is above 7K. Happy Days are here again! Right? RIGHT?!? Who's with me?
16 years ago
Watching Champions League on the DVR. Real Madrid v. Liverpool. Two Spanish giants (think about it) battle it out, with Liverpool hot early.
16 years ago
Glad to see david_h_roberts on the twitter. He's one of my all time favorite bloggers.
16 years ago
Paula Abdul is on crack tonight. Absolute crack. #americanidol