3Friends 6Fans
male Ireland
15 years ago
Packing everything to go back to college for the week. 1 exam this week then 2 more next week Not too bad. St.Patrick's day soon :-)
15 years ago
Had a great weekend. Had my first intervarsities rock climbing competition. Back at the apartment for college now.
15 years ago
Good rock climbing session tonight Will be at the intervarsitires on the weekend. Bouldering and leading/top-roping. Should be good fun
15 years ago
8 am now Been up for about 24 hours now Not tired at all I've just installed some new apps on my n95
15 years ago
5:45 am Still up. Not going to bother going to bed at this point Not tired at all Sorting out some files and photos
15 years ago
Just watched a film with one of the guys in the apartment. Staying up here for the weekend instead of going home.
15 years ago
Back at my apartment for college with the others. I've set up my monitor/tv, ps3 and 360 now. Guys playin a bit of fifa '09.
15 years ago
@fb is going to work on building up his facebook profile
15 years ago
Now using MePing to post to 7 differnet social sites at once
16 years ago
Running out of space on my laptop HD again Will buy another external hd or do a clean install on a new laptop HD Might buy a 250gb laptop HD