323Friends 430Fans
male Quezon City, Philippines
I want to roam around with my friends and churchmates, I love cooking specially fry egg hahaha,, I love listening music specially christian song and sometimes love song.. sometime I want to spend my whole day to sleep merely (-_-) zZzZZzz
dave_0308 says
6 years ago
The Principles and Practice
of Bar and Beverage
The Drinks Handbook https://arrow.dit.ie/cgi...
dave_0308 says
6 years ago
principles and practices of bar and beverages management https://arrow.dit.ie/cgi...
6 years ago
There are times when prayer is the only gift we can give to the one we care for, so I do always pray to God to take good care of you, everyday and always.
6 years ago
See what God can do through you.
6 years ago
See what God can do to you.
6 years ago
What is consistently taken for granted is eventually taken away.
6 years ago
Sometimes our anxiety isn't a result of our situation, but how we're thinking about it.
6 years ago 2
When it rains, it pours; but He promised to never let it flood.
6 years ago 1
Faith and work produces patience even the situation seems dead.
6 years ago
if your absence doesn’t affect them, your presence never mattered