78Friends 130Fans
male Yogyakarta, Indonesia
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add as a friend aja yak, jangan jadi fans.. pede hahahah
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11 years ago 5
been a long time XD (wave)
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12 years ago 1
https://images.plurk.com/A0Hz2U0741aHDHfWbUWSn.gif (LOL)
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12 years ago
The Moth Presents Anthony Griffith: The Best of Times, The Worst of TimesThe Moth Presents Anthony Griffith: The Best of Time...
"It was the best of time, it was the worse of time" ~ Anthony Griffith.
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12 years ago 4
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12 years ago 6
https://images.plurk.com/9383999730391b649866e04ac8364fd2.jpgdapat dari sini --> www.joeydevilla.com/2012...
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13 years ago
spiderman piñataspiderman piñata kayak ginian suprisingly dapatnya dari 9gag :-D
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13 years ago 1
www.smbc-comics.com/comi... ini perlu untuk di sebar luaskan (LOL)
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13 years ago 1
Foster the People - HoudiniFoster the People - Houdini Foster the People ~ Houdini (music)
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13 years ago