203Friends 0Fans
female Second Life, San Leandros, United States
Sometimes people put up walls not to keep others out.. But to see who cares enough to tear them down.

Niatalia ❤ Daisie
Invisibleʚ|ɞNia shares
1 years ago
Invisibleʚ|ɞNia says
10 years ago 2
Bai Plurk! See you on the other side! (wave)
Invisibleʚ|ɞNia says
10 years ago 1
Disabling this plurk at the end of the day. Add me if you haven't already sparklefart
Invisibleʚ|ɞNia says
10 years ago 1
Also last picture of 2013!! Snuggled in my bed!
Invisibleʚ|ɞNia says
10 years ago 1
Good night plurkies! Please be safe and happy new year! Also don't forget to re-add the NEW me! sparklefart tomorrow is a fresh new start and I'm excited for it!
Invisibleʚ|ɞNia says
10 years ago
Hubster and I have both been sick all day, spent most of the day napping. Last time this happened, we slept away 3 days we were so sick! Really hoping this isn't the flu! :-&