3Friends 35Fans
male Glasgow, Great Britain (UK)
We're the biggest and best in Catholic Inspired t-shirts.

Selling to the UK, USA, Canada and Europe from
cwaclothing says
12 years ago
Make life easy for yourself hhis Christmas! Shop at www.catholicswithattitud... for the best in Catholic apparel!
cwaclothing says
12 years ago
28th Oct only: enter SAVEDAY2012 when paying for your order & we'll deliver it for free! www.catholicswithattitud...
cwaclothing says
12 years ago
We're working on some new Catholic t-shirt designs for the store. We have a hunch they're going to be very popular!
cwaclothing says
12 years ago
psst...we've got more new Catholic T-shirts in stock!
cwaclothing says
12 years ago
The biggest and best in Catholic Clothing has got even bigger!
cwaclothing says
12 years ago
Our Catholic t-shirts can now be ordered in the USA & Canada. for more info!
cwaclothing says
12 years ago
Catholics With Attitude open new online store for Catholics in Canada! www.catholicwithattitude...
cwaclothing says
12 years ago
More new Catholic tees in stock!
12 years ago
Thanks for all your prayers and support! Yes, Catholics With Attitude is back!
cwaclothing says
12 years ago
Catholics With Attitude is back! Get your Catholic tees now at www.catholicswithattitud...