13Friends 15Fans
female Taipei, Taiwan
cuteant2000 is
13 years ago
going to Jiufen tomorrow and stay there over night. Just relaxes herself and enjoys the night view...明天要去九份住一個晚上~好好的放鬆且享受一下夜景~哇哈哈
cuteant2000 asks
13 years ago
籤 今年有沒有機會出國?
cuteant2000 is
13 years ago
sleepy. Good night~every one.大家晚安啦~
13 years ago 23
had a blind-date last night.She starts to think that being single is not bad...hahaha:-P 單身有時也滿不錯的嘛!!
cuteant2000 was
13 years ago
pigging out tonight.晚上吃太多哩...= =a
cuteant2000 says
13 years ago
it's time to go to bed, good night! Every one! 該去睡哩~晚安啦~
cuteant2000 needs
13 years ago
to be patient.....耐心....... 哇啊啊~~~~!!!!!!@@
cuteant2000 feels
13 years ago
hungry but it's too late to eat.餓了說~