Ford Prefect 
36Friends 31Fans
male Manila, Philippines
Ford Prefect  says
15 years ago
At change management class in Ateneo.
Ford Prefect  says
15 years ago
And now to the Ateneo Innovation Center. :-)
Ford Prefect  says
15 years ago
Technopreneurship course at UP has been approved. Now to write the details. I'm going to make this fun for the students.
Ford Prefect  says
15 years ago
Nielsen: users spend 7 hrs on average per month on FB
Ford Prefect  says
15 years ago 4
it sucks to be sick :-(
Ford Prefect  says
15 years ago 1
battling stomach flu
Ford Prefect  says
15 years ago
First tsunami waves hit Hawaii. And news crews are there to cover it. WOW.
Ford Prefect  says
15 years ago
Long day today, teaching change mgt in Cebu.
Ford Prefect  says
15 years ago
Tsunami brewing along Hawaiian coasts, due to Chile quake.
Ford Prefect  says
15 years ago
PLDT watchpad is a good idea. Except: it's only for IE and they recommend IE 6! They forgot lots of Firefox, Chrome and Safari users.