6Friends 4Fans
female Annapolis, MD, United States
I'm a needleworker, knitter, English & History major, and am owned by a Golden Retriever, Kasey Kay. I'm having a ball (pun intended) knitting things I can wear since I don't have time for my stitching while going to college.
crossdpurposes says
12 years ago 1
HAI Plurkers! I've been away for a while, but hope to be able to post regularly now that I'm on Summer Break.
crossdpurposes is
13 years ago
calling it a night! Homework tomorrow, then some knitting & tv.
crossdpurposes thinks
13 years ago
it's time to get some sleep. Work and rowing tomorrow, so it'll be a long day. Goodnight, all!
crossdpurposes says
13 years ago
it's Melatonin Midnight. Hopefully this will kick in soon. Dialysis, water aerobics & Kasey's grooming appt tomorrow.
crossdpurposes says
13 years ago
goodnight! I know it's just after 11, but I remembered to take melatonin & it's already kicked in. Early to bed means early to rise, right?
crossdpurposes is
13 years ago
finally heading to bed. Goodnight, All!
crossdpurposes thinks
13 years ago
it's time to call it a night. Goodnight, All!
crossdpurposes is
13 years ago
now heading to bed. The apartment is ready for the inspection & I have to be awake in less than 5 hours to get to class. Goodnight!
crossdpurposes says
13 years ago
I. am. tired. Class, work study, and rowing today mean a tired me. Tomorrow is just as bad, with dialysis thrown in for extra challenge.
crossdpurposes has
13 years ago
completed ALL Instructional Strategies homework for tomorrow's class. Now to get some sleep. Goodnight & Happy Birthday, America!