Canned coffee is absolutely disgusting! Been chugging it down like medicine. That's how desperate I am. Sigh~
I'm taking a day off in Tuesday but haven't decided what I wana do! LOL
Is it me or is it the HTC headsets? This is the second pair I've broken within the past two months........
這個星期都沒什麼精神, 昏昏沉沉的......我是不是中暑啦?! ><
沒有音樂ㄉ生活真ㄉ好枯燥ㄚ~~~~~ 我需要新ㄉMP3又也許我應該就買台iPod算ㄌ...............
I almost forgot Carmelo Anthony graduated from Syracuse!! He was @ SPARK last night and girls get to go in FOR FREE, damn it!!