84Friends 118Fans
male Surabaya, Indonesia
When I was a young boy...
My father took me into the city...
To see a marching band...
He said, son, when you grow up...
Would you be the savior of the broken
The beaten and the damned...
costfix rasa
13 years ago
jadi tukang ledeng dadakan (seru juga) :-D
costfix suka
13 years ago 2
my first own home (haha)
costfix wonders
14 years ago 2
Orchidaceae or Shrimpwater (thinking)
costfix bilang
14 years ago
costfix bilang
14 years ago 5
Count Down...tik....tok....tik....tok...
costfix tanya
14 years ago 1
Yang pernah credit card anz, apa kelebihannya?
costfix bilang
14 years ago
moleh-moleh kerjo kok terusan :-D
costfix bilang
14 years ago 5
asem tenan RCTI ma GLOBAL hilang dari peredaran TV Kabel X-(
costfix bilang
14 years ago 8
astaghfirullah dah berapa bulan aku gak login di sini... temen-temen yang masih maen plurk sapa aja...?
costfix bilang
15 years ago 5
ditinggal beberapa minggu dah banyak perubahan (nottalking)