15Friends 0Fans
Brooklyn, NY, United States
CK the Perfect Cell player!

Basically made this to make it easier for Genessia people to find Perfect Cell.

Feel free to friend or message if you want to interact with the bugbitch!
3 years ago
Oh hey uhh, hey all. Sorry I died :,)
4 years ago 1
Finally caved in and I'm catching up with Jojo's again.. As in I started from scratch and I'm almost done with Part 3. If I burn through enough of them, I'll be into Part 4 by tonight.
PerfectBugBitch wishes
5 years ago 7
Hope everyone had fun at AnimeNext :-D Sorry I coulnt make it this year.. The bug muse is back but lordt I need t oget back onto Gen... if I havent been axed
PerfectBugBitch sells
5 years ago 2
PerfectBugBitch hopes
5 years ago 6
Hi guys! I'm sorry I haven't been around, I've been so busy making ENAMEL GAY PRIDE PINS
PerfectBugBitch thinks
5 years ago 1
I was just invited to this Dreamwidth comm thing for villains and Im so out of the loop on how to do things on that platform that I'm just sitting here like...
5 years ago
Whoops I just deleted my 2 year old Perfect Cell RP Tumblr.. Lets see if Tumblr can restore it for me. If not? Meh.
5 years ago
Anyone wanna see my shameless, self insert porn with Nemesis from Resident Evil????
5 years ago 6
So.. Anyone want the bugman anywhere? Try and coax me off Tumblr but Genessia is just so fucking big that I'm srsly intimidated.
PerfectBugBitch shares
5 years ago
Welp, it's snowing here. Finally.. I'mma go back to YoKai Watch 3 nyaow. BAI!