Cindy Belinda R
1372Friends 267Fans
female Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
Literature enthusiast. Trivia addict.
Cindy Belinda R
3 years ago 8
Hi Plurkie, apa kabar? Semoga yang masih setia di sini pada sehat semua ya. Semoga selalu berada dalam lindungan Tuhan. Maaf kalau tempat ini seperti ‘tempat sampah rahasia’ yang didatangi hanya kalau butuh saja. Tapi jujur, kadang mengeluarkan apa yang sedang dirasa itu merupakan suatu kebutuhan.
Cindy Belinda R
3 years ago
Cindy Belinda R wants
3 years ago
Kaos UNIQLO x Haruki Murakami (tears)
Cindy Belinda R
4 years ago 2
Perdana banget yak nge-Plurk di 2021 (terus tiga hari lagi aing tambah tua dong 😂)
Cindy Belinda R
4 years ago yo mangat yo nyambut gawe ~
Cindy Belinda R
4 years ago
Plurk still remains the best(est) place to spam lmao #SorryNotSorry
Cindy Belinda R
4 years ago 1
‘Sup Plurkie
Cindy Belinda R
4 years ago @Edit 4 years ago
Bubye toxic ppl. Not going to miss you anytime soon. (read: I refuse to give them the knowledge that they 'win' over me. I won't stop; can't stop. I'll show them that I can do it all, no need to have any toxic 'friends' around me in order to survive. I think I'm strong enough now (hopefully). Masih selalu ada tanah untuk sujud 🙂)
Cindy Belinda R
4 years ago
Sip, mantep. One more toxic person (hopefully) gone forever from my life 😌
Cindy Belinda R
4 years ago 3
Kemarin malem akhirnya nge-mute story mantan(?) teman /eh

Well, I tried so hard not to be dramatic but the other party just wouldn't stop bugging me with (unnecessary) questions.. who do you think you are huh, paparazzi? 😴😴😴