masih di kantor.. Nunggu maghrib...
masa iya percuma,,yg udh dilakuin sm dipertahanin..? -_-
ya Allah,,berikan hamba-Mu ini kekuatan.. kekuatan kesabaran,untuk dapat menyelesaikan tepat waktu..
Sometimes, instead of bad memories that make you sad, but fond memories of you know, not likely to recur.
mau ngerjain TA asa te mulai2,, sms an weeee hayoh.. teing ngaributken naon ie teh... #NONJOKPALURAH
hooonjeh... be nice please... *sigh
if there's a reason to love you,,like fire burns tree..may be i say is so..but from the bottom of my heart...i just,,want to say..iloveyou..