123Friends 80Fans
female Jogjakarta, Indonesia
i'm just a simple girl who lives in 2 worlds,,,Real World...n Net World...HarPot freaks n KPop freaks..
so don't ask me to live without internet...
ciscachiko shares
5 years ago 1
Breaking: Seungri Announces Retirement From The Entertainment Industry | Soompi Breaking: Seungri Announces Retirement From The Ente...
5 years ago 9
Mau jelong2, trus ada temen yg tetiba chat: eh mau kesana ya, aq mau dong dioleh2in ... merk ... seri ... yang warna nomer ...
5 years ago 3
Lagi nonton hewan2 n warna2 in english sama Dandun
5 years ago 4
Di rumah yang paling gak update drakor kan winnyaditya trus pas dia ke rumah gw update actor kesukaannya dia dulu ...
5 years ago 3 @Edit 5 years ago
5 years ago 2
Barusan tiba2 buka plurk udah dalam kondisi ter-logout trus mau login lupa password, trus forget password masukin email standard ...
ciscachiko shares
5 years ago 4 @Edit 5 years ago
5 years ago 6
Akhirnya nonton Be With You juga, lama males nonton gara2 dulu nonton yg jepangnya n gak suka