271Friends 304Fans
female Bekasi, Indonesia
a girl with mind; a lady with class

cindyart says
12 years ago
Saturday. So many things I must to do. Excited!
cindyart says
12 years ago
Sooooo haaaawwwt. I mean the weather! :-&
cindyart says
12 years ago
Happy working on holiday, dear team audit Medco and Pasjay (rock)
cindyart says
12 years ago
happy long weekend guys! (yahoo)
cindyart says
13 years ago
finally, lunch timeee! (dance)
cindyart says
13 years ago
Idiot! Just deleted an album :'-(
cindyart says
13 years ago
Late news. Deep condolences mba FiraBasuki. Be strong. Yes I know you're strong, as your husband's word mba. We do love you (cozy)
cindyart says
13 years ago
happy Sundy universe! (heart)
cindyart says
13 years ago 7
happy graduation mba D! salam eyut uncit ep-jeh-em! (rock)
cindyart says
13 years ago
Al Ghazali Kohler (girlkiss)