11Friends 17Fans
female Taipei, Taiwan
living in shanghai for the moment, always dream of going to Paris.
cindylo says
14 years ago
cindylo says
14 years ago
台北果然是療養的好地方 沉默臭臉的計程車司機真是忍人愛 上百個電視台隨心所欲的轉 連醫院手術事都好明亮乾淨又味道香 愛死TAIPEI了!
cindylo says
14 years ago 3
呵呵 久違了PLURK!
cindylo feels
15 years ago
it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.. in short, the period was so far like the present period.
cindylo feels
15 years ago
it was the best of times, it was the worst of was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness.
cindylo thinks
15 years ago 8
上流社會的太太真的恐怖 聊的都是上流圈話題 香奈兒包尺寸各種大小也都很齊全 果然是我無法也不想到達的另一個世界~嗚~呼
cindylo feels
15 years ago 12
看到hotel成品 再加上lounge音樂一放出來 感觸良多的留出眼淚/ 現在想流的是無奈與喪失鬥志的心力交瘁眼淚
cindylo feels
15 years ago 13
酒店大門開了 燈亮了 保安站崗了 外灘要修好了 我要哭了!!!! 2年後終於要開門了!
cindylo says
15 years ago 13
董事長說要載我一程去機場耶! 是有陰謀嗎?!好可怕
cindylo says
15 years ago 2