31Friends 1Fans
female Irvine, CA, United States
christiecheng says
11 years ago 10
The Great California Shake Out
christiecheng says
11 years ago 13
From at least November 1st to December 16th, Target will price match Amazon.com, Walmart.com, BestBuy.com , Toysrus.com BabiesRus.com and Target.com
christiecheng says
11 years ago 29
從來沒有遇過這麼爛的服務... (Kitayama)
christiecheng says
11 years ago 7
Project Playhouse Action is Today
christiecheng says
11 years ago 6
Headhunter just called, there is a position at Newport Beach. See if anyone is interested
christiecheng says
11 years ago 2
有媽媽去過Miami的Key West嗎?有沒有好的Hotel可以介紹。可以住兩個family的那種。
11 years ago 19
christiecheng says
11 years ago 20
christiecheng shares
11 years ago 10
Kathy 你的最愛: Hello Kitty Playhouse https://images.plurk.com/a101002881a042977bfdb76072ec17f9.jpg
christiecheng says
11 years ago 11
收到這個信不要丟掉,free $10 gift card