13Friends 15Fans
female Bandung, Indonesia
loves life so much! X)
Her Morning Elegance / Oren Lavie
14 years ago
thought I've had enough. And then it happens again.. :-&
christalynda is
15 years ago
hungry...................... (hungry)
christalynda is
15 years ago
cranky to the max!
christalynda is
15 years ago
having the not delicious body (sick)
christalynda is
15 years ago 2
so happy for her lecturer's newborn daughter! Congrats Teh Viani! Hafidzah Alivia is so cute! :-)
15 years ago
sedang membajak laptop Mas Ari! Asik!!
christalynda is
15 years ago
wishing this all was just a nightmare. :'-(
christalynda is
15 years ago
overwhelmed by all those reading materials :-&
christalynda is
15 years ago
rather desperate.but just won't give up.
christalynda is
15 years ago
waving the magic wand.reluctantly.whilst hoping for fine result. (goodluck)