133Friends 21Fans
female Anna, TX, United States
choward06 says
11 years ago 5
My 16 year old son just scheduled his driving test for Thursday. I am sure I am not old enough for this. There will be tears and wine.
choward06 says
11 years ago
Had to Tink back on my Follow Your Arrow KAL shawl. So glad I caught my mistake 3 rows in. Ugh
choward06 says
11 years ago 2
Is it really breaking my yarn diet if I ordered super on sale. 1st time off the wagon since December.
choward06 says
11 years ago 1
33 days until we leave for family vacation. Our mouse ears are out and waiting.
choward06 says
11 years ago
here is our Christmas tree mommyneedsyarn
choward06 says
11 years ago 3
I would like to mark today in history. I'm meeting my step Mom and she is late and I was Early. (dance)
choward06 says
11 years ago 2
Happy Saturday
choward06 says
11 years ago
Playing tourist in Austin. Fun family day.
choward06 says
11 years ago
New kindle fire had came today and I like it. Certainly less dollars than the new ipad I wanted
choward06 is
11 years ago
stuck in car repair hell. Hoping the next super expensive part will fix the problem. Suddenly having a car payment doesnt sound so bad. (angry)