6Friends 16Fans
female Bacoor, Philippines
twitter : yellowstarss :!/yellowstarss
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intonskinator says
13 years ago
im so sleepy ryt now,i could just go to bed and frget the wrld plus da fact dat i hav a 9am class later,too bad i cnt,gotta fnish my work :|
intonskinator says
13 years ago
ministop's strawberry banna chillz . it's surprisingly not bad ;-)
intonskinator is
13 years ago
so inuubo right now . ugh . fml . but eh , at least hindi ako sinisipon :-)
intonskinator feels
13 years ago
shitty . i need to take a crap but im too lazy to get up and go to bathroom :-))
intonskinator will
13 years ago
now work on her documentary treatment . FINALLY . :-))
intonskinator says
13 years ago
thou shall not talk shit
13 years ago
drank a lot kanina , got tipsy on my way home and slept the whole trip :-))
13 years ago
had a great time at the beach with a few friends :-) free food and drinks , plus awesome people = the best ! :-)
intonskinator thinks
13 years ago
she 'in like' with a gay guy :| :-P
intonskinator says
13 years ago
don't make me wait just because you know i will .