Lucid Interval
253Friends 205Fans
female Imus, Philippines
I'm working now. (evilgrin).
Never thought my natural sarcasm will actually be helpful one day.
I love pnkzter so much ^_^
Lucid Interval
7 years ago
After ilang years bigla ko lang naalala ang plurk hahaha mapaki na anak namin ni pnkzter take a look (woot)
Lucid Interval loves
11 years ago 2
(funkydance)monday mornings
Lucid Interval loves
11 years ago 2
I hope people can still remember me here on plurk this is where our love story, me and Pnkzter , began (heart_beat) (blush)
Lucid Interval says
12 years ago 16
(heart_beat) Good Morning! (headspin) 6 weeks to go (yahoo) I'm going to give birth to our baby boy (rock)
Lucid Interval feels
12 years ago 2
(dance) (dance) (dance)happy (blush)
Lucid Interval feels
12 years ago 4
Lucid Interval shares
12 years ago 3
(bigeyes) i can feel my baby (haha)
Lucid Interval says
12 years ago 6
it's not easy to be pregnant (okok)
Lucid Interval is
12 years ago 7
(scenic) to unfreeze or not to unfreeze (thinking) (ninja)
Lucid Interval is
12 years ago 10
(bigeyes) back at plurk (ninja) (evilsmirk) I hope people here still remember me (okok)