3Friends 8Fans
female Bangkok, Thailand
chelseh is
15 years ago
chelseh has
15 years ago
joined onsugar! peeps relink meeeeeeee.
chelseh is
15 years ago
signing up for random stuff like livejournal & etc. cos shes bored, durrhhh . :-(
chelseh is
15 years ago
so much bettterrrrrrrrrrrrrr . (:
chelseh loves
15 years ago
her new blogskin!
chelseh says
15 years ago
bye anna, i will miss you soooooooooooosooooooooomuch .
chelseh wants
15 years ago
to go back to aussie again!
chelseh hates
15 years ago
tuition and shes having it in like 15 mins!
chelseh is
15 years ago
talking to nuer now! <3
chelseh is
15 years ago
finally in sg! :-D & wants to meet up w/ all her friends. :-D