4Friends 2Fans
female palembang, Indonesia
Just an ordinary girl..
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visit or follow my twitter chelsea_he
chelsea_he is
14 years ago
beast will comeback at october! i'm waiting for buying the album ^^ :-D
chelsea_he sedang
14 years ago
SHINee dateng ke indonesia, tapi damn! napa lagi makassar belum dijadiin ibukota negara. kalo udah gue pasti nonton!! :-(
chelsea_he sedang
14 years ago
bertanya tanya.. gue nonaktifin aja kali ya ni plurk? ah, ntar aja deh.. nanya sendiri jawab sendiri..>.<
chelsea_he sedang
14 years ago
boring.. xD tomorrow is monday, & the routines begin as usual.. :-(
chelsea_he sedang
14 years ago
ah off dulu gue, cape dari tadi online.. nulis blog, tweetan, n fb-an.. byeee :-D
chelsea_he sedang
14 years ago
apa sih enaknya main plurk? kalo ga diupdate karma turun.. aih ngerepotin amat!
chelsea_he sedang
14 years ago
asik karma gue naik.. haha, setelah 0.00 kemarin.. hahahaha
chelsea_he sedang
14 years ago
sukurin! karma saia 0.00 bagoess! kebanyakan update twitter mulu nih.. haha
chelsea_he sedang
14 years ago 1
kasian donghae, statusnya sedih amat..
chelsea_he sedang
14 years ago
opened up all of my stuffs and met something special there.. thank God