0Friends 15Fans
male Chicago, IL, United States
chasingmarkk says
13 years ago
I'm not sure how or when I subscribed to Bloomberg Businessweek but I'm super glad I did or didn't. It's well worth the money I ma
chasingmarkk says
14 years ago
When the cat's away the mouse will play... Magic: The Gathering!
chasingmarkk says
14 years ago
Will you survive PASSWORDGATE 2010?! Send me your usernames/passwords to make sure they're not compromised. <3 MK!
chasingmarkk says
14 years ago
Favorite result of hosting a housewarming shindig: ending up with 3x the amount of booze we started with.
chasingmarkk says
14 years ago
I am wearing short sleeves all day today to support the Bears.
chasingmarkk says
14 years ago
New facebook is messy.
chasingmarkk says
14 years ago
chasingmarkk says
14 years ago
I'm really hoping the government makes Red Bull & Vodkas illegal too.
chasingmarkk says
14 years ago
WHERE THE FUCK IS QATAR?! All the players are going to die of heat exhaustion and terrorists!
chasingmarkk says
14 years ago
So apparently I left the turkey carcass in the oven since Thanksgiving. And this is being frowned upon, why?