57Friends 86Fans
female Second life
Um, um… ô.ô Splunge!

SL jewellery stuff and links @
Those and other SL snapshots, plus free textures @
Agnes Periapse
NB: Will friend only SLers (or family).
Aggie is
7 years ago 1
wondering what her apartment building is streaming because she can't log in.
Aggie is
9 years ago
unsure whether this virtual marketplace doodah will mean the death of shopping, or whether I'm glad I can plonk some old stock up for sale cheaply.
Aggie says
9 years ago 1
Ohai, howdydo.
Aggie has
14 years ago
more to stuff into her Easter Egg for the Starlust Hunt, only SL crashed on her.
Aggie has
15 years ago 1
still not managed to see that blogpost on iheartSL, though she did wake up with a lot of sales somehow.
15 years ago
Emerald's still rezzing nothing for me, so it's back to the pre-2 Linden viewer, which rezzes a little eventually.
15 years ago
<inSL> Man, why does my PlurkHUD rez all funny in this new Emerald.
Aggie says
15 years ago 4
Hoo boy, it is nice to have a working mouse again.