初押00 Karma: 20.44
not stating / other
- Crack, Castle of glass
北風 Karma: 7.69
not stating / other
- Nightmare, Bottom of endless dream
Ray su Karma: 82.86
not stating / other
- Taiwan
售切頁售物用 Karma: 76.40
not stating / other
- ooxx, Taiwan
卡滋卡滋 Karma: 86.98
not stating / other
- Austria
( ˘ᴥ˘ ) Karma: 90.98
not stating / other
亞諾 Karma: 89.94
not stating / other
- Taiwan
Koibear/ㄒㄌ Karma: 98.83
not stating / other
- Taiwan
bk Karma: 92.71
not stating / other
- New Taipei, Taiwan
臨殃糰子 Karma: 0.00
- Taichung, Taiwan